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Invest Sarnia Logo
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255 Christina Street N.,
Sarnia, Ontario, N7T 7N2
Invest Sarnia Logo

Grants and Financing

Looking to take your business to the next level?

Use the following tools to search for government grants, incentives, and financing opportunities, or sign up below to receive notifications of open intakes for government grants and incentives.

Business Benefits Finder

A search tool for entrepreneurs, businesses, and not-for-profits to search resources, grant programs, financing, and other services. Visit

Municipal Grants and Incentives

The City of Sarnia's Community Improvement Plan focuses on improving public spaces and private properties in Downtown Sarnia and Mitton Village. In 2021, $100,000 was dedicated to incentive programs that encourage redevelopment and improvements to private properties. For more information on these incentive programs and how to apply, visit

Provincial Government Opportunities

The Government of Ontario maintains a list of available funding opportunities. To view these opportunities and find out how to apply, visit

Federal Government Opportunities

Search this directory of federal grant programs based on the type of funding you are looking for. Visit

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To receive notifications of new opportunities, please fill out the form and we will add you to our contact list. This is not an e-newsletter. You will only receive notifications when new opportunities are announced.
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